
Mizoram Government Launches Campaign Against ‘Global Warming’

Assam, Mizoram and Jammu and Kashmir are among the 12 Himalayan States in India that are extremely vulnerable to global warming and climate change.


The Mizoram government has launched an awareness campaign across the State on climate change and global warming to tackle these very imminent threats. The Mizoram Government immediately took this action after a report revealed that Assam, Mizoram and Jammu and Kashmir are among the 12 Himalayan States in India that are extremely vulnerable to global warming and climate change.

The Mizoram Remote Sensing Application Centre (MIRSAC) and Deputy Commissioners of various districts are organising awareness campaigns involving government officials, NGOs, media persons, academicians, village council leaders and students, said a State Directorate of Information and Public Relations (DIPR) official.

An awareness-cum-workshop was also held in Lunglei district on Tuesday, where Lunglei Deputy Commissioner K. Lalrinzuali reiterated that India’s 12 Himalayan states, especially Assam, Mizoram and Jammu and Kashmir, are the most vulnerable to climate change.

He said that Himalayan communities are more vulnerable to climate change because they have fewer livelihood options, limited infrastructure and a high dependence on natural resources and told people to plant more trees, use natural resources judiciously and adopt simple eco-friendly habits in their daily routines. S

peaking at the event, Chief Scientific Officer of Mizoram’s Directorate of Science and Technology, RK Lallianthanga, highlighted the various initiatives and projects undertaken by his department to deal with the situation arising out of climate change.

It may be mentioned that ‘global warming’ is a long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system; an aspect of climate change shown by temperature measurements and by multiple effects of the warming.


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