Assam: Mission Sambhav launched in Hailakandi


Hailakandi district joined with the rest of Assam to build one lakh Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs) in a single day under Mission Sambhav 2018.

Launching the mission at a centrally organised function at Extension Training Centre, SIRD at Boalipar, Deputy Commissioner, Hailakandi, Adil Khan called upon all segments of society to come forward to make the mission successful in the district. Taking the lead from the front, Khan donated two toilets one in his name and the other in his wife’s name. Following his appeal to donate generously for the noble cause, several officials, individuals and NGOs have come forward. Hailakandi has been given the target to build 3,500 toilets in a single day. Several programmes were organised at the block level to build toilets.
Exhorting upon the people to maintain cleanliness, Khan said, “Cleanliness is next to godliness. It is through cleanliness we can protect ourselves from germs and maintain a healthy life, so vital for the country’s overall development.” In the same breathe, Khan said society must protect the privacy of womenfolk by providing her toilet facility.
The Deputy Commissioner urged the people to make use of the toilets and to maintain cleanliness. “Constructing toilet alone is not enough if we do not make proper use of it and ensure its proper upkeep,” quipped Khan.
The Deputy Commissioner emphasized the need to build quality toilets so that it lasts longer.
Khan said Swaach Bharat Mission spearheaded by Prime Minister and State Chief Minister have brought out a sea change in sanitation sector. He exuded optimism that at the present pace of construction of Individual Household Latrines by Public Health Engineering, Hailakandi Division, the day is not far off when the target can be achieved and Hailakandi district can be declared an Open Defecation Free district. It may be mentioned that over 84,000 IHHLs have been built so far and remaining 54,000 are under process as per BLS 2012.
Speaking on the occasion, Superintendent of Police, Mohneesh Mishra asked the beneficiaries to maintain cleanliness of the toilets to keep diseases at bay. “The Government has done its part by constructing the toilets. The onus lies on you for their proper maintenance, as cleanliness is immensely beneficial,” he added.
Extending full cooperation of the police machinery for success of the mission, Mishra appealed to the people to cooperate and support the administration to usher in rapid transformation of the district.
Mishra announced donation of a toilet, drawing loud cheers from the gathering.
In his address, Executive Engineer, PHE, Hailakandi Division, AB Choudhury, while explaining the objective of the meeting, said 32 numbers of toilets have come by way of donations and 150 by NGOs.
District Development Commissioner, FR Laskar presided over the inaugural function. Prominent among those who addressed the meeting were Joint Director, Health, Abhijit Basu, Principal, SS College, Dr. BC Pradhan and District BJP President, Subrata Nath. Several organizations, NGOs, NCC volunteers, students and SHGs were present on the occasion.
Earlier, Deputy Commissioner Khan, Superintendent of Police, Mishra and DDC, Laskar dug a pit near a household at Boalipar to mark the launching of the mission.


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