
Assam: Flood scene improving in Bongaigaon

The flood water has receded in all the flood affected villages in the district and at present no any village is lying as flood affected as per today’s DDMA report


Due to continuous good weather in Bongaigaon, the flood scene is improving fast from the 2nd hit of this recent devastating flood. As the sunny weather is continuously prevalent and no any rainfall recorded in last 24 hrs, the water levels of main three rivers Aie, Aie, Manas and Brahmaputra are flowing under the danger level continuing the trend for the  4th consecutive day.

The flood water has receded in all the flood affected villages in the district and at present no any village is lying as flood affected as per today’s DDMA report .All the flood affected villages under the Revenue Circles Bijni, Boitamari, Srijangram, Dangtol and Bongaigaon have completely come out of water now and the inhabitants of these villages have started to get back to their homes to start a normal life.

As obvious, there is no any Relief Camp or Relief Centre operational at this moment as all inmates left for their homes and there left no any inmate seeking shelter and assistance. Besides, no any information received about distribution of GR items by the Administration during the last 24 hrs.but few other types of items like wheat bran and Tarpaulin have been distributed as few animals and poultry are still lying affected in some Revenue Circles.

Moreover, 28 no.s of medical teams are still on service to tackle any kind of sudden medical emergencies.

Free medicine distribution is  going on in the district to the recently flood recovered families to beat any post flood disease. Distribution of bleaching powder is also continuing to fix the chances of infections or any type of epidemic.

However, there is no any existing record of flood  affected population and crop areas. All population and crop areas are  totally free from flood water now.

As the critical flood affected state is totally over in the district, now all types of loss and damage assessment along with protection and restoration of the same have paced up in the district by all the concerned departments and shall continue unless all service are back to its normal functional state. Further Assessments are going on but no any new loss and damage has been traced so far.

House damage assessment by Magistrates is going on. Damaged houses are being geo tagged to rule out any duplicacy or manipulation. A sum of 95100 is paid as rehabilitation grant for a fully damaged house. Rehabilitation grant will be released within 3 months.

DC Bongaigaon is constantly making rounds of the areas where restoration and protection measures are going on and reviewing it’s accuracy and quality and  extends necessary directions and instructions as and when required.


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